We are a 400m² carving and molding workshop located in Paris 13. Our work is dedicated to
extraordinary and innovating projects. We are mainly working with design creators, architects and
famous luxury brands. Our wish to improve our abilities and develop the activity field in order to give
new technical solutions to art and design makes us push the limits of materials and technicality. Our
team is as much heteroclite as our projects. Made of artists, technicians, teachers, engineers,
students, coordinated by Stephane GERARD and working at the same level SG-Atelier can take up
any creative and technical challenge.
Our today main project is the Cosquer cave reconstitution. The challenge is to get as close as possible
to the natural render of all the different kinds of speleothems. This is in this context we are seeking
for sculptors / carvers to work with us on that unique project. Other projets can be considered to
depending the skills and experiences of the candidate.
People we are looking for should have a good volume apprehension and sculptural skills in many
materials, synthetic ones included. Working on this project also needs a good team spirit and
appropriate basis in order to quickly become autonomous. The perfect candidate need to be open-
minded and should not be afraid of innovating methods in order to improve is skills.